Bhagavad Gita

ಅಧ್ಯಾಯ ಮೂರು
Chapter 3
ಅರ್ಜುನ ಉವಾಚ ।
ಜ್ಯಾಯಸೀ ಚೇತ್ ಕರ್ಮಣಸ್ತೇ ಮತಾ ಬುದ್ಧಿರ್ಜನಾರ್ದನ।
ತತ್ ಕಿಂ ಕರ್ಮಣಿ ಘೋರೇ ಮಾಂ ನಿಯೋಜಯಸಿ ಕೇಶವ॥೧॥
arjuna uvāca |
jyāyasī cet karmaṇaste matā buddhirjanārdana|
tat kiṃ karmaṇi ghore māṃ niyojayasi keśava||1||

Gist of the sloka:
O Janardhana, you explained why knowledge [gynana path/yoga] is superior to karma [pure action without Lord invocation]. O Keshava, why then are your forcing me into a war which leads to destruction.
The explanation given by Lord Krishna regarding karma and gynana path has created confusion to Arjuna. He is confused as to which path he needs to choose and what is beneficial for him. Lord Krishna tells him that gynana path is superior and also tells him to get into the war [action/karma]. Arjuna is wondering if gynana is more important, why at all enter into war? War is a tamasic in nature given the gory, whereas gynana path is without influence of tamasic. Both are opposite to each other.
Arjuna uses two different names of the Lord to address him. Hidden in these names are the internal emotions of Arjuna.
Janardhana literally means one who destroys people. People here are evil kind. The destroyer of the evil people is called Janardhana. Arjuna is implying that Lord Krishna who took the avatar to destroy the evil in the world, is indirectly getting the job done through him! Whereas all those who have assembled in this battlefield are not evil. If so, killing those non-evil would not be ideal. You, who give mukthi in your kindness, how come you are using me to kill these Guru’s and seniors?
Keshava, means one who has given the powers of creation and destruction to Brahma and Eshwara. You are the supreme who creates, sustains and destroys the creation and grants mukthi. Arjuna is implying, only you [Lord Keshava] who knows all can clear this confusion to me. This is a token of submission and surrender by Arjuna.